CDC Recommendations

for Flu Vaccines


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced its recommendations for the prioritization of influenza vaccine for the 2006-07 season.   Beginning October, 2006 all persons are eligible for flu shots.

Priority Groups for Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccination (TIV)

Inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended for persons in the following priority groups:

  •  Persons over 65 years
  •  Residents of long-term care facilities
  •  Persons aged 2-64 years with underlying chronic medical conditions
  •  All women who will be pregnant during the influenza season
  •  Children between 6 and 23 months
  •  Health-care workers who provide direct patient care
  •  Household contacts and out of home caregivers of children less than 6 months

Use of Live, Attentuated Influenza Vaccination (LAIV)

The nasal-spray flu vaccine (sometimes called LAIV) is a vaccine made from live, weakened flu viruses that do not cause the flu.    LAIV is approved for use in healthy people 5 years to 49 years who are not pregnant.    However, health-care workers who care for severely immunocompromised patients in special care units should receive the inactivated vaccine.

Person Who Should Not Receive Influenza Vaccine

Persons in the following groups should not receive influenza vaccine without the recommendation of their physicians:

  •  persons with a severe allergy (i.e., anaphylactic allergic reaction) to eggs
  •  persons with a history of  Guillian-Barré syndrome

Simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones

Even though the current situation presents an increased risk, there are many things that people can do to reduce their risk of influenza and other respiratory illnesses and prevent the spread of viruses to others.    People should be advised of the following critical measures:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and warm water or use an alcohol based hand rub or gel frequently, especially after visiting public places or being in contact with anyone with a cold or the flu.   Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

  2. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.    Turn your head (never cough in the direction of someone else) and cough or sneeze into a tissue.    If tissues are not available, cough or sneeze into the inside of your elbow.

  3. Do not take young children, those with immune system problems or the chronically ill into large crowds unnecessarily when the flu is in your community.

  4. Avoid close contact (holding, hugging and kissing) with anyone who has a cold or the flu.    Be very careful with children as they are most likely to become sick with the flu.

  5. Stay home from work or school and avoid public activities for at least 5-7 days if you have symptoms of the flu.

  6. Do not share items that can spread germs and viruses such as drinking cups, straws, or other items that you put in your mouth.

  7. Clean things that are touched often in household, classroom and child care settings: doors, refrigerator handles, phones, water faucets, etc.

More information

For additional information about the national influenza vaccine supply and recommendations for use, visit the CDC website or call 800-232-2522


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